Sulit Bahagia

When things aren’t going your way,
you might feel that it’s the end of the world.
When things aren’t going your way,
you might feel that you’re neglected or being left alone.
When things aren’t going your way,
you might feel stressed out, depressed, frustrated,
and disappointed.
When things aren’t going your way,
you might blame the whole world, your family,
your friends, you yourself, and finally: God.
When things aren’t going your way,
you might feel like you want to give up.
But actually…
When things aren’t going your way,
It’s actually a new opportunity to learn a new experience in life.
When things aren’t going your way,
It’s good that you’re able to reflect and introspect.
When things aren’t going your way,
It’s good to know that your way isn’t the only way to fulfill your wish.
When things aren’t going your way,
It’s time to surrender and trust The Almighty.
When things aren’t going your way,
It’s time to pray more, trust Him more…
Because He knows better ways than your ways.
Because He knows better plans than your plans.
Because He knows the best for you.
When things aren’t going your way,
It’s a new beginning to another solution in your life.
As long as you believe…
He will make a way for you.
Exceedingly, abundantly far above that you could ask or think.
When things aren’t going your way,
Stay grateful, be thankful,
and you’ll see His marvelous ways in your life.
All you need is just the willingness to change and accept different ways:
His wonderful plans for you.